Good Morning!

Its a gorgeous Sunday Morning here. So quite and peaceful and nice and cool almost feels like a fall morning. I guess thats why ive been inspired to search pinterest for Autumn lovelies. well that and the fact that whether you want to or not, fall is kinda being thrown in our faces~ya can't help but to notice, its everywhere in the stores in blogland. I do love the Autumn season and anticipate its arrival but im still trying to hold on to summer a bit longer. I might lag behind a little from the rest of the retail world but im just not quite ready to show pumpkins yet. :) However my eye is drawn to all the lovely shades of purple that are gonna be so hot this upcoming season! and with purple being my fav color i had paint up my
Ombre style dresser PURPLE!
And a excellent choice if i do say so myself! Ive been patiently waiting for the perfect piece of furniture to come along so i could try this painting technique.
you might have heard others referring to their "pickers" (aka someone who buys/picks furniture that you may like to sell to you) Well i don't have a picker but i have a thrift store. Nooo, not Goodwill but a ma and pa back road junk store. I go there so much the owner now "saves" pieces for me. My last visit he put a Victorian Side Table ( in terrible condition but still lovable) out back for me, his son thought it was trash threw it in the Dumpster! Welp yes i did... I had my first Dumpster Dive. :) ahhh the life of a junk dealer ~ good times!! Anyway this is where my Dresser came from.
Im dying to paint up something else Ombre Style ~ maybe in Pink~ but being lucky enough to come across the perfect piece~ isn't that often. Its challenging to find a Dresser thats Vintage, at least 5 drawers, and with no knobs. I suppose you could use another type of furniture ( i have seen it done ~ just pinterest it).

Isn't that soo cool ~ Pink on a accent wall!
To go with the show stopping Purple dresser I needed a Fabulous Headboard
I think this one will work swimmingly!
Painted in ASCP Old White and the tiny spindles along the top have an undercoat of a lilac purple. The upholstery is done in a Taupe Green background w/ a creamy white French Script and a purple stamp ~ Gorgeous!
I had some fabric left over so i went ahead and recovered a footstool to give it the same Frenchy Flare! Maybe next i'll do a lampshade!
Until next time.
Have a happy day~ everyday!
I thought I was on to something..that others we're not doing...when now it seems so many our into dresser did not make as large shout out...with the tones being more subtle...but I am loving the Ombre and I did a post about it those purplessss and the other items you are showing
thank you thank you thank you...51 and I have to put you one my side bar...such cool stuff..
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