Hello Loves!
My most favorite thing about this time of year is the Flea Markets and Yard Sales! I'm not ashamed to admit i am a die hard JUNKER :) ! And one event i particularly look forward to every year is the Luckett's Spring Fair. the abundance of creativity is just oozing from every booth. I couldve just stayed all day admiring all the displays and chatting with my fellow bloggers.
Ahhh it was a dream (ok that was a bit cheesy) but it was some kind a F U N!!
I took quite a handful of pics so i thought i'd spread them out into a couple of separate posts ~ really it took me 2 days for my brain to finally settle down from all the excitement, i didn't want to overload your brain too :)
Get ready to drool...
Her booth was so inviting the color palate chosen was just so soothing. Honestly i was surprised i was able to get a pic of that union jack dresser I thought for sure it would've been gone early~ it was all over blog land i couldn't wait to see it in person. Great Job, Christen your booth was fantastic!!
Lovely booth she traveled all the way from Raleigh, I she hope she comes back next year her booth was so refreshing. Def go check out her page to see her pics because by the time i reached her booth Alot was already gone!
Awesome Booth ~ She's a Big Fan of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. Gorgeous painted furniture and elegantly displayed vignettes. Im absolutely going to make it to their next big monthly warehouse sale in Hagerstown, Md!
my mom, couldn't leave this booth without buying something, just had to pick up a bird topped cloche! |
LOVED these! genius! A sea of handcrafted picture frames
sadly, I only snapped one pic of their booth. They also use ASCP and had such a feminine flare to their booth ~ very pretty
for the final picture of today I'll leave you with a shot of
Miss Mustard Seeds phenomenal booth

keep in touch because i have one more Luckett's Spring fair post that i'll be doing later ~ told ya i took alot of pics!
Hope you have enjoyed yourself
Have a wonderful day ~ Everyday!!
Oh my goodness! I really enjoyed looking at those booths through the lens of your camera. I live too far away to go to Luckett's unless it's a well planned trip in advance. Looks like there were lots of good things to buy!
Hi Erica, Great Pictures! Thanks again for visiting my booth and I hope you enjoy all of your FINDS!! It was really nice to meet you! xoxoPam
I may have to make it to this next year. Must plan a little further ahead than one week when I asked hubby about going.
Wasn't Luckett's so much fun?! I can't wait to do it all again next year. Thanks so much for sharing pictures of my booth!
Hello...I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your pictures of my booth on your Blog. Some how I missed them before:-( Hope you can make it to the warehouse sale this weekend!
Ashley from The Freckled Egg
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