My more recent finished project is so super sweet I just couldn't wait to share it with the world!
A friend of mine whom also is an antique dealer bought an entire house filled with glorious "junk" well actually not all of it was junk but it all was extremely dirty. From what I gathered this house sat vacant for approximately 10 years aside from the teenagers who visited often ~ uninvited. I am really surprised the antiques survived those kids. So anyway I got to go and pick out some pieces of furniture and one of the pieces I chose was this Chifferobe. I've had a couple chifferobes in my time and I've always just painted them white. Which is beautiful (not very creative), especially since most people use these in nursery's or children's room white seems appropriate. But lately I just can't seem to paint anything just white.
So tell me what you think are you loven the Antique Chifferobe as much as I am?
Painted with Annie Sloans Decorative Chalk Paint ~ the shell is painted in Old White and the mirrored door front, side mirror, and the drawer fronts were painted in Palnoma.
The original hardware was given a bath and put right back on the drawers.
just to give it a bit of feminine interest I added 3 wooden shabby chic appliques.
Did you Notice the sides are stenciled? they remind me of little mini chandeliers. I did an allover stencil with Martha Stewarts metallic silver craft paint which was really pretty but it seemed just to bold for me even after distressing it so I then used a whitewash with ASCP Pure White and covered all of the stenciled sides. and wow did that do the trick now it in a way reminds me of muted vintage wallpaper. How chic!
A lastly I applied clear and dark wax over the entire piece.

I delivered this Chifferobe to my booth at A Unique House Antique Mall , (located in King George, Virginia) yesterday. Here's a picture of her all nested in her new home, for now, looking ever so sweet!

Thanks for letting me share my projects with you! And don't forget you can always visit my facebook page for more pictures.
Have a Blessed Day ~ Everyday!
Hi... This unique piece is gorgeous! Is it still available for purchase?
what is the price on this piece please
How much was the piece bought for?
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