Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Aqua Buffet

French Scrip decopaged on old balls then covered with moss
 Hello Friends!!
 I sure have missed y'all!
 Its summer (my fav season!) usually my summer days are spent watching my kids splash in the pool, becoming engulfed in a book, trying to beautify my 18 acres of jungle that is a  landscaping chaos which i do actually enjoy, or simply doing nothing but relaxing on Holden Beach. But Nope not this year! Its been a whirlwind of hunting, cleaning, sanding, painting, moving furniture ( aw my back!) oh and a whole lot of sweating ~ geezs its been a hot one!
Don't ya just love this quote.  Stenciled on drop cloth fabric then wrap around a piece of foam board ~ makes a great wall hanging
 I am trying to grow my business, luckily I was offered the opportunity to practically triple my space at Time N Again Antiques. Its so exciting now with a larger area im able to really spread my wings and bring in alot more furniture. Which seems to fly right out the door! So its been pretty crazy just trying to fill and keep my space filled up.

And then as soon as i had a nice stash of furniture at home patiently waiting its turned to shine in the shop, The Lord opened another door for me.  the dealer next to me at A Unique House Antique Mall where i also rent a space decided to move on so i was able to double my 8 x 10 booth!! So then everything from home went to my booth.  Its a fantastic opportunity to really showcase my junk. :) So needless to say blogging has been on the back burner for awhile.  I do love being busy though! Just wish my office (aka garage) was air conditioned.

Well with all that said i was able in a the craziness to capture some before and after pictures. 

Art Deco Buffet Before:

sanded smooth getting ready for paint

Beautiful Buffet After...
 Pretty Pretty Aqua!  I custom mixed this color and it turned out exactly how i hoped for.
 Miniwax dark walnut stain on top and ASCP dark wax over the aqua and lightly distressed. I spray painted the original drawer pulls silver and on the doors i picked up a pair of silver and mirror knobs at Hobby Lobby. Bling!
 LOVE!!  I only wish it would've lasted a bit longer in the shop so i could have decorated/ played with it a little bit more ~ it was SOLD within a week!

So until next time ( and i promise it won't be so long!)...
Don't work your summer away GO Swimming!!